The Bakersfield Californian

It’s Cookie Time in December

BY PHYLLIS BELCHER Phyllis Belcher is a member of Tehachapi Community Church.

Everyone likes cookies at Christmastime, and the greater the variety, the better it is.

There is an opportunity to attend a cookie party and choose the ones you like. However, you need to bring three dozen cookies you have made and exchange them for other kinds. There are even prizes for the best cookies.

This takes place at Tehachapi Community Church on Saturday, Dec. 9, from noon until 3 p.m.

Not only can you select cookies you like, you can buy lunch. Five-dollar cheeseburgers or hot dogs and chips will be sold from noon until 1:30 p.m.

The church, located at 300 E. E St., will host the event in Friendship Hall.

All are welcome to participate.

It will be a fun way to welcome the holidays.





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